하루 10분씩 핵심만 골라 마스터하는 SQL 핸드북하루 10분씩 핵심만 골라 마스터하는 SQL 핸드북

Posted at 2010. 11. 6. 22:59 | Posted in Hobby/Book

Description: This book was born a few years ago out of necessity. I had been teaching and writing on SQL for a long time, but whenever I was asked to recommend a good book on SQL I found myself somewhat stuck. There are good SQL books out there, but most of them are oriented towards database administrators or developers working within a highly database and SQL-centric world. And as such, most of them are overkill - they tend to provide too much information instead of just what most of us need to know.

This book has a specific audience in mind and was designed to be very different from other offerings out there. Instead of being geared towards DBA's, this book is designed for real-world developers who write in Visual Basic, C/C++, ColdFusion, ASP, .NET. Java, JSP, Perl, PHP, and any other language. Instead of being designed for folks who's occupation is data manipulation, this book is oriented towards users of other client applications, Word users who need to mail-merge against a back end database, report writer users needing to extract information from corporate data stores, and anyone who needs to manipulate and interact with databases, but for whom database manipulation is not a full-time job.

It does not start with database fundamentals, normalization, relational database design, referential integrity, and security infrastructures. Yes, these issues are covered, but that is not the emphasis or the positioning, Rather, the book starts with the SQL SELECT statement, and then adds filtering, sorting, and so on. Table creation, working with different datatypes, implementing constraints, using stored procedures and triggers, and more are all introduced clearly and methodically in small bite size chucks. The emphasis on getting stuff done, and getting it done quickly helping you be productive as quickly as possible in whatever tool or environment you use.

This is the one of the best selling SQL books ever, and is used by individuals, organizations, and as courseware by academic institutions the world over (including Milwaukee School of Engineering (Milwaukee, WI), St. Mary's University (San Antonio, TX), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA), Boise State University (Boise, ID), George Fox University (Newberg, OR), University of Denver (Denver, CO), Auburn University (Auburn, AL), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Champaign, IL), Harper College (Palatine, IL), Florida Gulf Coast University (Fort Myers, FL), Oregon Health & Science University (Portland, OR), Fort Lewis College (Durango, CO), Columbia College (Chicago, IL), Manatee Community College (Bradenton, FL), Central Connecticut State University (New Britain, CT), University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, MA), Palm Beach Atlantic University (West Palm Beach, FL), North Dakota University System (Bismarck, ND), Morgan State University (Baltimore, MD), Florida International University (Miami, FL), Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX), Montgomery College (Montgomery County, MD), Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA), Baylor University (Waco, TX), and more).

This third edition provides additional examples and tips, adds coverage of several advanced topics, and contents content specific to IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Sybase Adapative Server.

I hope you find that these objectives have been met, and I welcome your feedback. Enjoy.

  • IBM DB2 SQL scripts
  • Microsoft Access database
  • Microsoft SQL Server SQL scripts
  • MySQL SQL scripts
  • OpenOffice Base database
  • Oracle SQL scripts
  • PostgreSQL SQL scripts
  • Sybase Adaptive Server SQL scripts
  • //

    [서평단 모집] 애로우잉글리시 영어학습법(실전편) 서평단을 모집합니다.[서평단 모집] 애로우잉글리시 영어학습법(실전편) 서평단을 모집합니다.

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    Posted at 2010. 2. 1. 23:34 | Posted in Hobby/Classic Guitar
    매일 주말마다 클래식 기타를 연습하기 위해 모이는 장소!

    홍대 와이너리 3호점에 대해 알아볼까?

    2호선 상수역에서 1번 출구로 나와 걷다 보면 세븐일레븐이 나온다.

    여기서 좌측으로 들어가 보면...

    <2호선 상수역>

    <1번, 2번 출구로 나가는 에스컬레이터>

    <안내 표지판>

    <출구로 나가는 에스컬레이터>

    <주변지역 안내도1>

    <주변지역 안내도2>

    <1번 출구>

    <홍익지구대, 서교우체국>


    와이너리가 있는 골목길. 쭉 따라 가다 보면 우측에 와이너리가 있다.


    건물 3층에 위치한 와이너리. 멀리서 보면 잘 안보인다. 심지어 나는 바로 앞에서 경비실에 와이너리가 어디인지 물어봤다. 경비실 아저씨께서 이 건물 3층에 있다고 해서 알았다.

    <엘리베이터 안>

    와이너리는 건물 3층에 있다. 좁은 엘리베이터에서 3층 버튼을 누르고 기다리면 3층으로 안내해 줄 것이다. 참고로 계단을 막아놔서 엘리베이터를 이용해서 올라가야 된다.

    <와이너리 입구>
    입구에 도착하면 여러 와인과 와인잔을 볼 수 있다. 입구에서는 어서오세요라는 문구도 볼 수 있다.

    오늘도 이곳에서 클래식 기타를 연습해보자 ^_^

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